.. _basic-examples: Basic Examples ============== Let's import the library and create a simple network. Note that you can hold down ``ctrl``/``cmd`` to zoom in. .. jupyter-execute:: import algorithmx canvas = algorithmx.jupyter_canvas() canvas.size((300, 200)) canvas.nodes([1, 2]).add() canvas.edge((1, 2)).add() canvas Now let's animate it. We'll also add some buttons so that we can easily start/stop/restart the animation. .. jupyter-execute:: canvas = algorithmx.jupyter_canvas(buttons=True) canvas.size((300, 200)) canvas.nodes([1, 2]).add() canvas.edge((1, 2)).add() canvas.pause(0.5) canvas.node(1).highlight().size('1.25x').pause(0.5) canvas.edge((1, 2)).traverse('blue') canvas Finally, let's apply all of this to a larger graph. .. jupyter-execute:: canvas = algorithmx.jupyter_canvas(buttons=True) canvas.nodes(range(1, 8)).add() canvas.edges([(i, i+1) for i in range(1, 7)] + [(1, 3), (2, 4), (2, 7)]).add() for i in range(1, 8): canvas.pause(0.5) canvas.node(i).color('green').highlight().size('1.25x') if i < 7: canvas.pause(0.5) canvas.edge((i, i+1)).traverse('green') canvas